Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Kitty Purr Questions


1.What components did you use?
The components were labels buttons sounds text and canvas

2. What behaviours did you apply?
 The behaviours that i applied was when the image of the cat was clicked it would purr and vibrate.

3. Did you add media?

 Yes, I used a cat purr sound. i attached it the the image of the cat and when it was clicked it would purr. 
4. How did you test it?

I tested my kitty purr app using the given Android emulator on the App inventor.

5. What modifications/variations did you apply?

The modifications I made were changing the background colour and the text size and colour.

6. Did you experience any problems using Appinventor? How did you solve them?

Yes I did. At first my cat would not purr when it was clicked. I resolved this by repeating previous steps and then it worked.